Five Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Create Your Outline
Five Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Create Your Outline
If you're reading this, you probably already know you need an outline, and you're just looking for a little guidance to get you started.
Well, you've come to the right place.
I won't promise this will be super quick, but if done right, you will have a solid outline that can guide your writing and make the journey easier and less time-consuming.
An outline provides a road map and clarity for your manuscript. It helps you determine what should go in each chapter and what to leave out.
As I’ve said, no outline is set in stone. As ideas emerge and your story takes shape, your outline may need to be revised. Nonetheless, working without one can result in a mishmash of choppy stories without concrete organization or appeal to your reader.
However, before you even begin to write the outline, you need to answer these five essential questions to get you started on the right path:
What are you hoping to get out of writing your book? Meaning, what is the goal? This is your why. It can be as simple as making money or as complex as finding personal healing and anything in between. There are no wrong answers.
Who is your audience? Who are you talking to? This is the most important question to ask yourself BEFORE you start writing. Determine the needs you will meet, emotional or otherwise.
What pain has the person experienced because they have not read your book? Or what pain will be alleviated after they’ve read your book?
What transformation will this person get in their life because they read and process your book?
Can you boil your nonfiction book down to 2 -3 sentences that get to the core of what your book is about and why it matters? (This is super important to help you focus on what really matters)
For example – I share my story to help women see that although single parenthood can be challenging, it can also be rewarding given the right mindset shift.
These five questions are designed to get the ball rolling. They will help narrow down your focus and allow you to begin to think like a published author and focus your writing to speak to your unique reader.
If you are struggling to put your comprehensive outline together click here to book your free 30-minute consultation.
Until next time, #happywriting
Peace & Love,