Take the first step towards realizing your writing goals with Helping Writers Write. These customized services are designed to get your project back on track. Each service has a specific goal and the outcomes are intended to shorten your path to publication.

Blueprint for Brilliance: Mastering Your Memoir's Outline

Using a comprehensive outline is a guide that prevents you from going off track with your writing. You create it once and keep it close as you’re crafting your story. It stops you from confusing your readers because once you do that - your credibility as an author it shot, your reader will move on, and you’ve lost a reader and a fan!

Helping Writers Write offers one-to-one coaching sessions focused on creating a comprehensive, detailed outline that serves as the blueprint for your memoir. The result of this session is a customized document that will guide your writing from the first sentence to the last. Your thorough outline guides your writing and makes manuscript completion easier and less time-consuming by keeping you on track.

$247 per/90 minutes

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Fearless Pen: Empowering Writers Confidence

Even if you skipped EVERY English class in school, believe you are a good writer! The more you write, the better writer you become. Don’t let self-doubt sabotage your desire and ability to tell your story that will change lives!

Helping Writers Write offers one-to-one coaching sessions focused on building writers' confidence in their writing abilities. These sessions offer encouragement, constructive feedback, and strategies to overcome self-doubt. Clients are provided with tools and strategies to gain and strengthen confidence in their writing and their ability to become a published author.

Each session includes exercises designed to boost the writer's confidence.

$197 per/hour
$497/3 hour package

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Clarity Unleashed: Discovering Your Memoir's Clear Vision

If your memoir is a bunch of little choppy stories that don‘t have a cohesive, clear connection it will lead to confusion. Your reader will close the book and as an author you will be labeled as confusing and producing stories that are hard to read. If you’re not clear, you’re causing confusion and you don’t want that!

Helping Writers Write offers individual sessions to help writers clarify their memoir ideas, themes, and messages. During these strategic one-to-one clarity sessions, clients are guided through exercises to define their story's purpose, audience, and publishing goals. Client’s are provided with customized reusable tools to gain clarity around their manuscript.

$197 per/hour
$497/3 hour package

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Story Structure Analysis: Structure Your True Story Like a Pro

Story structure is everything. Every story should have a clear and logical beginning, middle, and ending. A clear, tight structure allows your reader to follow along with ease, and it creates a page-turner keeping the reader wanting more. Otherwise, they will bail out of your boring ride!

Helping Writers Write offers a detailed analysis of the writer’s memoir outline, focusing on the narrative structure. The writer is provided detailed feedback on plot progression, pacing, and organization to ensure a compelling and coherent story.

*Outline must be submitted in advance for review

$247 per/90 minutes

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From Memories to Manuscript: Guiding Your Memoir Development

This session helps you bring it all together and flesh out the relatable story that your reader craves. Here we want to make sure your story is clear, your timeline is correct, and you theme is relatable.These are some of the ingredients that will make your story irresistible!

Helping Writers Write offers personalized coaching to assist clients in developing their story arcs, characters, and scenes. During this session, writers brainstorm ideas, flesh out their stories, and create engaging content using memory mapping, timeline construction, and theme exploration.

$247 per/90 minutes

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Fresh Eyes Editing (a division of Helping Writer Write) specializes in providing meticulous copyediting and line editing to polish manuscripts to perfection, ensuring they are primed for publication.

You need an Editor to make it ALL make sense. After you have poured over you manuscript for weeks, months and in some cases YEARS, you need a fresh pair of eyes to look at what’s there and NOT what you thought you wrote.

Editing is the most crucial part of the writing process. It determines whether your reader sticks with you or bails out of the boring ride. Editing is where the struggle over what to keep and what to leave out molds and shapes your project.

There are several types of editing, and the type you need is dependent on the quality of your manuscript and where you are in the writing process. Helping Writers Write only provides two types of editing - copyediting and line editing.

Price determined by project

Complimentary Consultation