Telling True Stories,

Impacting Lives

Gain the Confidence, Clarity, and Structure to Write Your Manuscript. With Helping Writers Write by your side, it will be easier than you think.

A memoir is a non-fiction, first-person written account of events and memories from the author’s real life. Memoirs focus on personal experience, intimacy, and emotional truth.

If you’re here, chances are you’ve got a burning true story to tell that will change lives. The problem is, you don’t know where to start, your confidence is lacking, and you need clarity about the whole process.

If this is you, relax, take a deep breath or two, and grab my must-have free resource “Get Organized! Write Your True Story in Eight Easy Steps.” This comprehensive guide will help you get your notes and ideas organized to start off the right way.

With that out of the way…

Now that we’ve established that you landed here because you really do want to tell your true story, there are a few options – well, really only TWO.

Those two choices are:

1. Keep daydreaming and talking about writing your book.


2. You can invest in a proven success path to GET IT DONE.

You can do it too.

Please believe.

People with less talent but more ambition are rocking this thing out - Every. Single. Day.

Why not you?

I can hear you now, “My story has already been told.”

Sure a similar story may have been told before, BUT not by you and not with your special sauce.

Don’t have special sauce? Don’t know where to get it?

We will uncover it together. Trust me, it’s there. God gave it to everyone - it’s up to us to find it.

That’s the fun part!

Seeing the lightbulb start to flicker and then transform into full-blown TIMES SQUARE JUMBOTRON BRIGHTNESS is thrilling!


Here’s the thing:

That probably won’t happen without a little help. I’m not talking about being in your orbit for a year OR even 6-months. While I’m sure you’re a great person, it does not take that long to get it poppin’.😉

All we need is 6 weeks. Six dedicated, full-throttle, stop-fooling-around, make-it-happen, winning weeks.

How do I know? Because Helping Writers Write has done it before – many times over.

How Does This Work?

Now, in full transparency, this is NOT me writing with you or for you. The Helping Writers Write Accountability Partnership Coaching Program is a total package that gives you every single tool you need to get off the ground and stop wishing your life away.

However, if you need someone to literally, well, virtually hold your hand as you write giving weekly feedback while offering a turn of words, a different sentence, or perhaps a new phrase, and a gentle nudge - Helping Writers Write still does that too. It’s a longer commitment, but it produces OUTSTANDING results. 

Go ahead. Invest in yourself for once. Many of us give and give and give and then we look up and there is not much left for us.

Do this for yourself.

Make yourself proud.

Cross through this goal on your faded, crumpled bucket list.

Ready to put yourself first?

Then follow these three simple steps:

Step 1
Click Here to discuss your customized path.

Step 2
Dig out those ideas you scribbled in a spiral notebook, on the back of a napkin, or even on that envelope that was lying around and dust them off.

Step 3
Commit to finishing what you started - for you.


If you are already in the process of writing your book, but struggling with the confidence to keep going or the clarity needed for direction, Helping Writers Write specializes in getting lost writers back on track!

Are you all over the place and struggling because you started writing without the all-important outline? If so, 

Blueprint for Brilliance: Mastering Your Memoir's Outline is your answer.

Are you lacking the confidence to move forward because of self-doubt and negative self-talk? If so, 

Fearless Pen: Empowering Writers Confidence is your answer

Are you lacking clarity about your story’s vision, purpose, audience, or publishing goals? If so, 

Clarity Unleashed: Discovering Your Memoir's Clear Vision is your answer

Is your story’s structure on point? Does it make sense? Can the reader easily follow along? If not, 

Story Structure Analysis: Structure Your True Story Like a Pro is your answer

Were you on a roll and your story took a turn and it’s not developing the way you envisioned?

From Memories to Manuscript: Guiding Your Memoir Development is your answer

Whether you choose these one-off services or bundle them into packages, they will take your confusion to calm and your chaos to clarity and give you the confidence to finish your journey to publication. The road is not easy, but it can be done with the right guidance and Helping Writers Write’s proven tools for success.


If you’re done with your story (cheers to you!) and need someone to polish it to perfection BEFORE you publish it and are horrified to find typos you could have sworn you corrected - Fresh Eyes Editing will deliver a flawless manuscript ready for publication.